ahahah, fuck this game

in lieu of
positive attractions
fighting for so little
and constantly losing ground

i’m tired of all this pointless noise

the perfect balance never comes
the spirit wanes
and attention is fleeting
as we remember moments of temporary bliss
and wander aimlessly
in this perpetual abyss

i don’t mean to sound sad
it’s just that
life’s edge
has begun to dull
and the trap has taken hold

it’s not all bad though
there are always
cats and chickens
convenience store beers
unread books
cool breezes
and quiet waters
the sun still shines
and body still rises
even as the mind continues to sleep

purpose is constantly misdirected
but peace
can be found
in the simplest of actions
sipping a glass of cheap wine
or the advance
of an unanticipated kiss

the mind fucks the heart
sex and death are one in the same
but love
distant as it may be
nurtures this unfocused life
and unlimited perception is everything

don’t let THEM tell YOU how to BE
i write
because i cannot speak
but i still hear ancient songs
that echo through ghost limbs

some of us are still wild
some of us are still untamed

and i don’t believe
this flawed matrix
was ever meant to succeed
it’s a trap

but i’m an anarchist
forever the optimist
and i will always raise a middle finger
to all these flawed and failing systems
in hopes that i
will break free
and inspire the unwashed masses
to revolt
and reinvent themselves
in the true image of GOD
because in the end
daydreams are all we have


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