preparation for a delightful and unseen conclusion

one mis-step or maybe two
naked and spitting cold fire
onto a hollow moon
we laugh and scream
at life’s absurdities
sitting silently
wishing for simpler times
as crazy love lurks and lingers
like broken fingers
curious and crawling
across pale bodies
captured on a midnight excursion

waiting in hopeless anticipation
we wander and defiantly dance
across confined puppet landscapes
too cartoonish to be real
as intelligent design is retarded
and our vital structures fade

it’s all a simulated reality
with half fed dreams
and passive wounds
entwined with persistent illusions
as furious flowers
bend against fate
but refuse to submit

laughing at life’s reconditioned narration
we sharpen the blade of unspoken faith
and write blasphemous words
with a bony appetite
singing songs of a hidden holocaust
as calm souls stir
in the eye
of an inverted and narrow storm
and we reluctantly conclude
that half-assed miracles
and moderately priced beer
can only carry us so far

slow, and almost empty
we increase the volume
of forgotten sunsets
as that distant and tragic mistress
blurs an animated heart
networked in a broken engine
of divine peace

burn that logical notebook
and question the rhythm of dangerous drums
as mystery blooms like a clockwork dream
and that comfortable madness
becomes our holy and uncertain destination
repackaged and dangling
on the membrane of random poetry
and pining for salvation


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