another morning spent
lurking in front of this computer
looking out my window
it’s grey
a welcome reprieve
from the heat and humidity
this summer has wrought
i love days like this
i want to call out sick
stay home
and sit vibrantly
in my underwear
i want to
talk to my cats
read unfinished books
pretend to clean
surf the net
and generally waste time
humanz have become good at
wasting time
i guess the tables have turned
we no longer let time waste us
no food
no conversation
no attention
no elation
today is not a day for drinking or poetry
today is not a day for
being an adult in any fashion
it’s an almost rainy day
a day for obsolete anticipation
a day to smoke cigarettes
and wander the floor
like ants without a destination
today is a day for
absolutely nothing
i haven’t finished my coffee
or even showered yet
and the morning feels somewhat
sadly though
it’s almost time
to go to work
and i guess a poem was born after all